Martial Arts have become my rival in my spouse heart from the time we have met. He wake up for martial arts, eat, and sleep with it; in few words, it’s his life. Though quarrelsome have not been avoided due to my jealous over his passion, he proves that martial arts are just not a hobby but a great weapon to live healthy life. Likewise, he added that being knowledgeable in martial arts adds security especially in women’s part. It would also a way in gaining self-confidence and esteem. Few years ago, he acquired his membership in different world’s organization: world karate federation and world martial arts federation to name the few. Oh before I forget let me tell you that he did not studied in different gymnasium for his expertise. Everything was from his Bruce Lee, Martial Arts, Karate, Tae-Kwon Do Books, and watching videos from Betamax age to present technology. But for those interested and qualified to gain knowledge in martial arts, lots of gymnasium inside and outside the country are available. You could try Cornell University Physical Education, International Modern Artist Federation Philippines, Muaythai, and Impakt also try online knowledge at The One Martial Arts Hongkong & World Black Belt Online. |
posted by scavenger at 5/31/2007